Hotel information
Hotel standards
Star ratings generally reflect the quality and standard of a hotel but some
choose not to be classified although they are often of a high standard
and excellent value. Also the services and facilities vary according to the
price so bear this in mind when deciding where to stay.
Meals at hotels
Breakfast is included in the price and at some hotels we have also
negotiated a half board rate that includes a 3 course set dinner – look
for and call us or go to our website for a price.
Rooms & upgrades
All bedrooms have at least a shower & wc - as rooms are allocated
on arrival, specific requests can be noted, but not confirmed.
A room for 3 will normally be a double (twin in Spain) with a folding
bed added. Family rooms are only suitable for 2 adults and 2 children
under 12. These are often larger double rooms (twin in Spain) with
additional sofa bed or folding beds added. At some hotels we
also have superior or sea view rooms available – this is shown in
the description – for a quote ring us on 0330 159 4500 or go to
Free night offer
If you book six nights or more at a hotel showing the seventh night
is free - not available during July and August in France and if booking
half board.
Foot passengers
Transfers from our ferry terminals to hotels are not included. Where we
show hotels are easily reached on foot, by public transport or taxi.
Babies and toddlers
Children under 4 travel free on our ferries and we do not charge
for hotel accommodation unless they occupy a full size bed. We
can request a cot but these are not always available, and a charge
will be made by the hotelier (paid direct). You may prefer to take a
travel cot.
Free child
Children occupying a full size bed pay the adult rate, except at
hotels where the offer applies. When this is the case a child
under 12 stays free if sharing a twin/double room with 2 adults -
meals are not included.
Check in and check out
Rooms will usually be ready from 2pm and should be vacated
by 11am.
Closure dates and distances
The distances shown within descriptions are approximate and the
restaurant closures are provided by our suppliers as a guideline -
these may change without prior notice.
Leisure facilities and parking
These may be charged for and some private and public garages
cannot accommodate high vehicles such as large people carriers.
Christmas and New Year
During this period hotels may offer something special - a festive
menu and perhaps entertainment. An additional charge is made
when this occurs.