Apartments in France
Given their superb settings and variety of facilities
both on site and nearby our apartments are
always highly popular with active couples and
families. They are mostly modern and purpose
built and provide a good range of activities
especially during July and August.
Out and about
No matter how much you are enjoying your time
at your apartment, make sure you spend some
time exploring. If you like cycling, for instance,
but worry about traffic in Britain, look out for
the many quiet tracks dedicated to cyclists and
walkers. Ask about local market days where
you can browse the colourful stalls piled high
with fragrant fruit, vegetables and other local
produce. History comes to life when you visit an
ancient fortress or fairytale château - ask about
special trails and activities for children.
Relaxation for grown-ups
If the children are enjoying themselves, grown-ups can
have fun too. Spend a bit of ‘me-time’ relaxing whilst
the youngsters are occupied. Many apartments are
next to sandy beaches where you’ll find a wealth of
water-based activities.
Apartments are listed alphabetically by location within
each region.
YB0045 - Bénodet, Brittany